maandag 6 april 2009

14. Instant Messaging.

I have been reading about all aspects of Instant Messaging and I've attempted to chat with my coach but we never seem to be on line at the same time.
I decided to be adventurous and put a chat badge via Google Talk back onto my blog. I copied the html code as instructed but wasn't sure where to place it on my blog. I then thought better of the idea. Do I really want to chat to people on my blog? I prefer to simplify matters and confine the chatting to my gmail page.
My son really has to laugh at my awkwardness with the computer terminology! I'm still sometimes baffled by all the nick names and abbreviations. I found the Danish text on the Randers Public Library site easier to understand (only kidding.)
Seeing the ease at which my colleagues are "IMing" with each other I can see it will be useful for communication relating to admin', as long as it is secure.
I haven't had any experience with Al@din myself yet but I think it is well used by the librarians on the information desk. Promise to put a question to Al@din soon.
Whether or not Instant Messaging could be used by our staff to answer reader's questions is another matter. Here I have to endorse what is said by the author of the article:"Instant Messaging: it's not just for kids anymore."
"I believe that the success of chat based reference at least partially depends on the level of comfort that the librarian at the keyboard has with conventions of instant messaging and the informal and terse slang that comes with the territory."

TFN! (Ta ta for now)

2 opmerkingen:

Karin zei

Hi Hero, your blogs are always a joy to read. And the longer you're at it the funnier it gets. The great advantage of this course is that we do not have to like everything we do(just like in "real life"). At least this way you can get a little taste of what it is like to be Geek.

Elly zei

Hi Hero,
Zo, nou zeg, het is je weer gelukt. Ik heb inderdaad een paar keer geprobeerd met je te chatten en met anderen, maar wij zijn allemaal een beetje zuinig met online zijn. Toch een beetje weerstand?