zaterdag 31 januari 2009

Super Librarian

I found this video on Youtube and wondered if this was something we could do?! ;)

Sebastian kindly downloaded the video from the Youtube website onto his laptop because my Windows 98 computer doesn't have the software to do that. Then all I had to do was click on the "Add Video" icon and transfer the video details from his computer and give it a title. I had to wait a while for the video to upload, but I'm pleased with the result.

vrijdag 30 januari 2009

Time settings

I have just read Rob's tips and, in my typically chaotic fashion, have chosen to implement the last tip first, that is to change the time settings. Like my fellow bloggers I noticed that the time displayed on my postings didn't correspond to the actual time of publishing. Let's see if this has worked.

donderdag 29 januari 2009

Mijn eerste bericht!

Ik waarschuw alvast mijn collega's dat ik veel taal- en spelfouten ga maken. Ik zal waarschijnlijk niet zo veel schrijven. Ik heb geluk dat veel van de 23 dingen in het engels zijn geschreven en gesproken.

Frightened rabbit

I certainly look like a frightened rabbit on the photo' Rob took of me on Monday. This task seems very daunting to me and that is why I've decided to write my blogs in English. Rob didn't have a problem with that and I hope my colleagues won't either.

Our Mission Statement

Rijswijk library gives everyone the opportunity to develop themselves and inspires people in a stimulating and accessible environment with a current and appealing collection and a varied programme of activities.
Rijswijk library is skilled in providing information, is customer friendly, is independent and collaborates with partners.

My home town

woensdag 28 januari 2009

Week one, Exercise one

I decided to make a blog at home before the first meeting with Rob and, being English, thought I would be very original by calling my blog '23 things.' Ha ha! Of course, the original concept is American so that title has been used countless times before. Miep helped me to change the title, or so we thought. We had inadvertently created a second blog. I spent Wednesday afternoon exploring some possibilities for my blog and added two gadgets. I felt very proud of myself until I discovered that I had worked on the old blog not the one for which Elly and Rob have an address. I hope that I have copied the original postings to the new site. Feeling disheartened. Will try again tomorrow.