dinsdag 3 februari 2009

Rss Feeds

Following a colleague's good advice, I tried to take a rest from "blogging" yesterday. I seem to spend hours reading what others have written and although I find it often inspiring to see how well my colleagues are progressing, it can sometimes be disheartening too. It's a little like throwing a party for lots of people and trying to pay the same amount of attention to each guest...exhausting. It makes me wonder how my fellow 'HSP' colleagues are coping. It is fun too though and for those of you who are reluctant to take part, don't be!! I do think it is important that we, the library personnel are familiar with the latest techniques in accessing information because, as we are discovering, there is so much information available to us via the internet. I think our role will be, as always, to help people refine their search in order to search more efficiently. Perhaps we should offer courses on the 23 things to our users?
I did subscribe to Netvibes yesterday but didn't get very far. I intend to watch Rob's videos about how to access the rss feeds again and complete that task today.

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