zaterdag 30 januari 2010

Book reviews

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I wonder if this might be an option for our young readers? I don't know how difficult it is to master the technology needed to make the videos. For my course in Maassluis I had to write about a Dutch author (I chose Elisabeth Mollema) and include reviews of her books. It was very difficult to find reviews for her children's books written by children and I made the suggestion that it may encourage children to review books if they could speak about books instead of write about them. Certainly children with dyslexia would benefit from this.
I like the way the children have been animated by their own drawings and yet been made more anonymous (privacy and safety) by not being filmed.

2 opmerkingen:

Karin zei

Hi Hero, I'm sure Loesje would love this. After all... new ideas are always welcome.

Loes R. zei

Ziet er zeker goed uit. Misschien kunnen we dit wel gaan gebruiken in het kader van vernieuwing mediawijsheid.