zondag 7 juni 2009

23. 23 Dingen is voor mij ...

Following the 23 Things has been for me a very enriching experience. I've enjoyed reading all the information about Library 2.0, something which I confess I would never have done on my own.

I think that the course has had, on the whole, a positive effect on our organisation. It has brought colleagues closer together and I have really enjoyed learning more about the people with whom I work. It has been a pleasure to receive so much support and encouragement from my coach and from other colleagues.

Something which surprised me and which has been an unexpected benefit for me from this course is the self confidence it has given me to express my own opinions (much helped by the fact that I was allowed to write my blog in English).

In answer to the question, 'What can be done to improve the 23 Things?' perhaps it would encourage people to read more if more of the core information was translated into Dutch.

My favourite things on the course were Library Thing and my Netvibes page with RSS feeds and podcasts which I would now not be without! I'm sure that many of my colleagues will continue to use the social networking aspects of the course privately and I hope that it will be possible in the future for us to use our new found skills in the workplace.

2 opmerkingen:

ingrid naaktgeboren zei

Leuk bericht en leueke foto's

Elly zei

You did it, Hero!
Nou, voor een coach was jij een hele makkelijke deelnemer: heel ijverig en inspirerend voor anderen.
Bedankt voor al je goede ideeën.
We gaan vast nog meer van jou horen.