zaterdag 23 mei 2009

Book Festival Hay-on-Wye, Wales

I keep intending to begin reading 'ding 21' but am constantly distracted by reading my Netvibes page. Today I discovered a new (for me) podcast from Guardian Books about the Literary festival which takes place every year in Hay on Wye, Wales.It begins this weekend and goes on until 31st May. I've been listening to interviews with Sarah Waters (Fingersmith, Tipping the Vevet), my old tutor and ex poet laureate, Andrew Motion, the u.k children's laureate, Michael Rosen, A.S Byatt about her latest novel and the special guest this year, Desmond Tutu.
I was interested to read about a magazine called 'The Scribblers' which has been set up by the young people of Hay encouraging them to interview writers, write book reviews and recommend books to each other but also to write creatively themselves.The magazine is then sent to all the local schools. Perhaps we could encourage something like this in our Children's library in collaboration with the schools.
Also interesting for me is that this year my friend,Jo will be at the festival, promoting her short stories which have just been published in an anthology called "Chimera."

1 opmerking:

Elly zei

Hi Hero,
Ik herken me heel erg in je eerste zin!
Heb ik ook veel "last" van.
Morgen (maandag 25 mei) begint Springwatch weer, maar dat weet je natuurlijk.