donderdag 25 maart 2010

This week in Libraries

This Week in Libraries #1: Bart Drenth from Jaap van de Geer on Vimeo.

Remember Lee Lefever?

I'd like to share Common Craft productions latest video with you. It's about Augmented Reality.
I must admit, I experienced a little " Augmented Reality" on the train to Zoetermeer-Oost last Wednesday. A screen in my compartment told me the speed at which I was traveling, the temperature inside the carriage, the temperature outside and my expected time of arrival in Voorburg!
I wanted to copy Lee lefever's video to my blog but have had to make do with a link instead.
Beam me up Scottie!

woensdag 17 maart 2010

Interesting article

Technology may have come up with an answer for defeating the pick pocket. In light of my recent experience I shall be interested to follow any developments here.